You all have no idea how good it makes me feel when you comment on my blogs. First of all, thank you Meagan and Rodney for giving me inspiration in my last blog. Anyway, I want to apologize to anyone who might have missed me at the game night yesterday. I wanted to go, but I haven't been able to figure out the whole teleportation thing yet. When I do, you all will be the first to know. Mainly because I'll be arrested for teleporting to the White House or to Stephen King's house. I guess you all won't be the first to know, but if you watch the news, I'm sure they'll say something about the insane-genius who visited his favorite writer and the President in one afternoon!
So, my vacation is hanging in the balance. Apparently, I'm going to be the Store Manager for the Midwest City Gamestop, but my District Manager, Dustin, has said nothing to me. My manager, Jeremy, has said that Dustin called him and asked him if it would put him in a bind if I left. So, I guess that means he's thought about it. Next, the current manager of the Midwest City Gamestop, Don, has asked me to take the store. He's also asked the staff of Midwest City and several customers, that apparently know me by name, if they wanted me back. I think they said yes. So, now, the question is, when will I go? I want to go soon, because a manager's salary is good. Also, I want to get in there so I can see if my Assistant Manager would be able to handle the store for a week alone, because I want to go to Louisiana. I guess I could push it back but Richard has already asked off. I really don't want to break this off, but I can't skip the manager position. I need it to pay off school.
Sheena is leaving me with Tabitha for a week. They are going to Nebraska. I could use some company up here, so if anyone wants to come spend the night, I'll let you sleep in the Tempurpedic bed. Oh, I also wanted to ask if anyone wanted to see War of the Worlds on Wednesday? It looks pretty good and I haven't seen a new movie since Batman Begins.
Sunday wasn't so busy today. One of my employees has anger issues with his ex-wife, but don't we all. We weren't busy until the last five minutes of work. It kinda sucked. Oh well, nothing I can do about the idiots that come in near closing after they've been calling all day and asking my fucking hours! Nope, nothing I can do. Maybe I can sick the aliens on them, give all those bastards headaches, not me!
Real quick, Conker: Live and Reloaded is one of the most vile games I've ever played, I love it!
I was in a war last night. I can't remember the specifics, but I was in a war and it was anything but fun. I believe I had to watch Sean die, but I'm not sure. Don't die on me Sean!