Sunday, July 16, 2006


Why do we gravitate toward change? I guess it's just our nature to want to make everything better and easier for ourselves. Of course we make a million time saving devices but it seems like now adays we have less time than ever. Isn't that odd? I think so. This little diversion into change was brought to you by the tech support of GameStop Inc. For some reason, my company decided that it would be an excellent idea to change the Point of Sales (POS) apparatus from GameStop's current system to a completely new identity. Well, the EB stores are pretty familiar with it. This system was there's first. So, instead of being the hostile takeover that the GameStop-EB merger was suppose to be, we seem to be the adopted step-child. We're having to learn a new POS that's from EB and our marketing changes to fit the EB style. Now this wouldn't sound like such a big deal for most of you, but you have to understand that I've grown accustomed to the GameStop POS and Marketing Strategy. The ony thing that EB has now adopted is our sales culture. Some would say that we took the best of both worlds and made a huge supercompany. Well, that's what they want the public and stockholders to see. I will say that EB stores are recording record profits because of our sales culture, but I don't think the existing GameStop stores are benefiting from the POS conversion. I guess I'm just one old man trying to cling to the past, but I cannot get this damn closing system down. I had the other system down to a science and now, this is suppose to be easier, but I don't think it is. I just can't get a feel for it. I think I'm going to try to write it down and see if that helps any. I have to say that the marketing looks rather good in my store. I'm pretty happy with that, but the customers are dead set on ruining everything I've worked on. Why is it so hard to put something back where it belongs? It seems like every time a customer walks into a GameStop or EB, there motor skills are retarded to a three-year-olds. That is to say they run into things and kncok stuff down, put games back in all the wrong places, and they can't find a damn thing. The also develope a phobia of salesmen. I have to say that GameStop does push a couple of products, but it is nothing that is bad for the customer. All that we push is very helpful to the customer that shops in our stores. There is nothing negative and it isn't very much money as add ons. We're not like the crazy car salesmen that will eat his shoes just to impress some customer into buying a car. No, I just ask that you try your best and usually statistics are on your side. Anyway, enough about that. Summary: GameStop and EB merged, nothing I can do about what happened; I hate the new POS and it's all NCAA Football 2007's fault; and I've got a lot of work to do.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Here's July!

I just realized this, July is one boring month. Actually, the whole summer is usually boring for me.

It's quiet. No one but me and the cats are here today. Sheena is at work and I'm here all alone. Sounds like a bad combination, I know. I'm sure I'll get into some kind of trouble, but I don't know yet. I'm still waiting for it to find me. Yes, that's right, I don't go looking for the trouble. It finds me and then molests me.

I'm recounting my inventory tonight. It won't take long, but I don't think it will make much of a difference. The bottom line is that someone in my store is stealing merchandise. I think I know who it is, but I can't say here. Just to make my life miserable, the aliens might tell that person if I write it down.

Has everyone went and seen Superman yet? I saw it on a Midnight showing the day before it released. I wasn't too impressed. I know that's wierd to hear out of me, but this superhero movie just didn't do it for me. I mean, it was acted well, the story was okay, and the characters looked like who they were suppose to be, but I didn't think there was enough action. That's about it. He looked good flying. I guess I'm just so use to the animated series Superman who fought a huge supervillian every week. That could be part of my dissappointment, but he didn't even throw a single punch the entire movie! I thought Superman fought more than that. Batman Begins was a better superhero movie.

Well, nothing much more to say. I'm dreading school starting. It keeps getting closer no matter what I do. The days just pass without the hint of remorse. That was oddly poetic.