Friday, March 30, 2007

Wouldn't it be wierd...

Wouldn’t it be weird if the first time you experienced an elevator, you were the person who couldn’t fit into an elevator and had to wait for the next one. When the elevator came back, no one would be left. You might think that the elevator ate them. I wouldn’t want to ride in that elevator. Would you want to ride in the elevator if it left and came back with different people? Would you think that they transformed into other people? Would you want to be transformed?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I can't wait...

Holy hell Batman! They're making you into Legos! And it's in a video game! What could be better?

Check this out!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Steve Regan

So, the Evanescence concert was awesome. I had no doubt that it would be, but it's good to report on the happiness that was Evanescence in concert. Oh, by the way, Finger 11 and Chevelle were awesome too. The latter band brings up an interesting story to mind...

In high school, Chevelle's song "The Red" was extremely popular. In the middle of the song, the singer yells, "Seeing red again!" over and over. That's the background on the song. Being a little hard of hearing, I always thought that he was singing, "Steve Regan!". I had no idea who Steve Regan was, but I figured he was important, so, I was embarrassed to ask about him. I was afraid that everyone would laugh at the fact that I didn't know who Steve Regan was. Well, I finally got up the courage to ask my best friend Richard about the song.

We were in the car going back to school after lunch. I was riding in the back seat and "The Red" came on the radio. They overplayed that song by the way. So, when the chorus came by, I went for the glory question. I asked, "So who is Steve Regan anyway?". Richard laughed. That was terrible. I was ready to lie and say I was joking, when Richard said, "You're serious aren't you?" He said it in the worst possible way: with pity. The way he said it said to me, "Oh my god! I thought you were joking, now I know you're just an idiot!" Richard would never say something like that to me, but his response to my question made me feel like that. Richard then clarified, "I think it says 'Seeing red again!'". Of course it says that. What else could it say? Certainly not Steve Regan! Well, Richard said he could see where I was coming from, so I didn't feel so bad, but I don't think I'll ask Richard who "Anomaly" is from the Incubus song.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

An Apple a Day...

Sheena is eating an apple. We're in Branson, MO. I only put the "MO" there because I can't spell "MO" out. I would say that's sad, but states don't count in the spelling world. They're too difficult.

So, if anyone can guess, Sheena and David got into it while we were over here. It all started yesterday... David had gone to get picnic supplies since we would be out in the woods most of the day. Last year, he had done this and people complained about the quality of the food. This year, he was reluctant, but he still did it. When we were dishing out the hotdogs, I asked him if any of them were all beef hot dogs. He said "No" and that was it. I asked Sheena if she would still eat one, she said "No", then later took up the offer. We cooked hotdogs and had no problems. That was until my dad said, "I don't want to do the shopping next year, Sheena has already complained about the food this year." To which Sheena replied, "I didn't say that", in a gruff tone. David remanded his statement, "Well, I'm serious, I don't want to do the shopping next year, Alex already said that Sheena won't eat the hotdogs unless they are all beef." Sheena then dropped the bomb, "You're a jackass!" she yelled and walked away. I know every one of us have wanted to call David that, but she actually said it. She went off, very upset. David didn't say anything to me and the rest of the family didn't make a big deal of it. I was pretty happy about that, but Sheena never wants to see David again. You all can see how difficult that will be. Later on, David apologized to his brothers, my uncles, that he didn't get any "all beef" hotdogs. My uncle Mike told him that he sould let it go, it was a sensitive subject.

Well, that's what happened, to the best of my knowledge. I'm trying to remain as unbiased as I can. So, I kind of want to hear your oppinion on the matter. I'm upset and uncomfortable now, as well as Sheena. I wish none of that had happened. I wish David had not kept up with the statements. And I wish Sheena had not taken them as offensive. But I can't undo the damage. Just remember, an apple a day is better for you than a cup of coffee!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Spring Break

So, we're out of school for a week. That's nice of them. Why the hell do they have to pile on the work before the break then? What is the point? It's not like we give them homework. Well, I guess the procrastinating professors will catch up on grading, and read the crap they are trying to feed us, but other than that, why make us suffer? In what way does it benefit them to have us doing homework/papers/tests over the break? Isn't there a reason why they call it a break? I was under the impression that when I go on breaks, I don't do what I took a break from. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a break. It would be called a school field trip to your home. What if your professors came home with you and gave you lectures during the summer or the winter break? Wouldn't you call the police on them? I would, well, maybe I would just sick my cats on them. C'mon professors, my brain needs to absorb all of the knowledge you've been pounding in my brain over the past 9 weeks. I want a break and not a field trip.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I hate Allergies!

Today has been an odd day so far. I woke up this morning because I stopped breathing. I did this because my nose was completely stopped up. So, today is the start of my allergies. I'm not looking forward to this allergy season. I'm not looking forward to it at all. Itchy eyes, sore throat, and nasal congestion. Any of that sound fun to anyone else? I thought not.

Red Vault. I saw and drank Red Vault. It's basically berried Vault. I'm not sure what I think about it, because I had just brushed my teeth a few minutes before tasting it, so I guess the jury is still out. What I did realize though, I have been drinking Vault for about a year now. I say again, I love Vault.

I thought of an idea for a story. It's a little boy who is about 11 years old and he starts loosing his imagination and goes on a journey to discover it. Through the journey, he creates a lot of things in his mind and realizes that he had it all the time. Heartwarming huh? We'll see about that!