Sunday, May 28, 2006

Revenge of the Sundays

People spoke to me in my dreams last night. They scared me. I woke up a little nervous, but I couldn't tell what my dreams were about. All I know is that they were not snuggly soft!

Work is really boring on Sundays. I've said that a bunch of times, but it just really sticks. Have any of you heard about that new House Bill 3440? It basically says that Mature rated games are pornography. Starting on November 1st, we have to cover all M-Rated Games with a 2/3 cover-blinder in the store. This is a little silly, but it gets worse. Then, we are not allowed to have employees that are under 18, at all. Apparently, they're not mature enough to sell M-Rated games either. This wouldn't be so bad, if I didn't have an employee that was awesome and would not be turning 18 before November 1st. I hope that there is a Grandfather Clause to this whole thing. I'm all up for limiting acess to M-Rated games to kids that can't handle them, but I'm not so sure I like the Government Microparent kids. I guess this is what people get when they won't wise up and be parents themselves.

Anyway, this is the last week I'm working at the NW Expressway and Council GameStop. It'll be a sad day when I no longer work there. I've been there for over a year now. Not quite as long as I worked at Charleston's, but it would be the second longest I've worked at a single location. Also, I've helped maintain how well that store runs, so, I'm a little sad about leaving it. Well, I haven't had a very interesting week, so there's nothing else to say.

Drink Vault!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Better than I thought

I just read over a couple blogs from when I started, and I'm pretty funny. This is actually a really big realization to myself. That is all.

Oh, I remember Surge...

I love my little sister! She is just the cutest little girl in the whole world! No one disagree! Anyway, this is a picture Sheena took of us after her ballet. I'm so proud of her! She's just so cute. Look at that beautiful curtsey! You just couldn't get any better.

Link on the other hand is not so cute, he's down right pathetic right now. He's limping around and hurting our feelings, even though we were the ones to get him declawed. Well, he won't be attacking Sheena with his front claws again. Little bastard brought it on himself.

The Da Vinci Code was a great movie. I really loved it and have no idea why people disliked it. It wasn't boring, it didn't feel like 2 hours and 45 minutes. Also, it was so damn interesting. I love mystery movies. And I love twists. So, my two requirments were set.

When I asked about Tom Crusie, I got three different answers. So, I'm no better off than when I didn't ask. I suppose I've actually got more questions. Why do we let actors in Hollywood bother us so much? I guess it is partly their fault for being so famous and having tons of people listen to every word and opinion they have and take it seriously. They're just actors! Let them have their opinion and say whatever they like. If you don't like it, don't agree. Last time I checked, we have free wills. Lets exercise them! It's absolutely retarded to get so bothered by what an actor says. I mean, when you think about it, actors are slaves to the consumers. They have to live a secluded and boring life to keep it out of our living rooms. They can only appear in one certain movie to keep their fans happy, in example, see Keanu Reeves. I couldn't spell his name. I had to look it up on Anyway, and then they can't have an opinion to themselves without having to apolagize on TV not a week later. Oh well, at least they have their millions of dollars to comfort them. For once, I want an actor to speak out against the Sun. That would be great. I mean, how can we argue with actors? The sun's gotta go.

Do you guys remember a failed Coca-Cola product called Surge? I do. I loved the stuff. It was a Mountain Dew competetor and it was great. Well, I think they brought it back. It's called Vault and it's awesome 0nce more. Everyone should go out and buy a couple of 20 oz. bottles of it. It good because Alex says it is!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Summer so far...

I cut my foot in the bathroom the other day. It was late at night and some unidentified piece of shrapnal found its way right into my right foot. I pulled it out and was a complete baby about it. So, in celebration, today, I went to a lung study where they put an IV in me and shoved a long camera down my throat. If that wasn't fun enough, I had to start weezing and make him stop the experiment. I didn't want to, but I just couldn't help it. Well, the medicine he gave me took away my gag reflex, so you all know what that means...

I can't eat for awhile.

Other than that, does anyone know why everyone is mad at Tom Cruise? I haven't heard anything particular in a long time, so if you know, give me a shout.

Television Update:
Lost is a freaking amazing show. They've even started running crazy fictional ads on TV that hold certain keys to Lost's story. I love cross marketing.

Well, I'm up for another promotion. At least that's what I'm lead to believe. I think it's an annual thing. We also have a new District Manager (DM), who seems pretty cool and willing to work with me. I think that's a good thing. Anyway, I'm going to go, my arm is sore from the IV wound.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Just another post

I hope you all are doing well with your finals. I've taken them and I really have no idea how I've done. I think I did better than last time, but who knows. Oh, by the way, big news. I was awarded a Forensic Science scholarship for the next semester. It's not a lot, but it is awesome that I actually one something like that. Maybe I'm smarter than my tests give me credit for...

So, it's summer. What do we do now? I feel lazy that I'm not cramming to prepare for a class or a laboratory. What do I do now?

Right now I'm trying to find out what the hell my grades are. I'm more nervous about that than actually taking tests. I know I can't do anything about them, but I still worry.

Okay, lets see, haven't been posting in a long time, so I think you all are in need for a SERIOUS ALEX INJECTION. Come on, it will only sting for a little bit. That was random. And a little naughty.

I miss you all. I haven't been down to Norman in awhile because I've been busy, but that doesn't mean I don't think of you all. I keep thinking what my life would have been like had I not had such great friends all through High School. I am proud to call you all my brothers and sisters instead of friends. I really need to see you all. I'm going to come down this Tuesday, I know you all are still doing school things, but I just have to see you all.

Most of my shows that I watch are ending for the summer right now. Even a few new ones that I've grown to enjoy are ending soon. And why is it that the shows I watch have to have a cliff hanger at the end. Oh, by the way, 24 this season rocks my brains out! Sheena and I also got into a show on the WB called Supernatural, I know that's a stretch for us, with us not liking that kind of show, but we're enjoying the Sci-Fi and horror generas a lot. For those of you who didn't catch the sarcasm, you should be shot with an egg. Not just any egg, a brown egg!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Super Happy Fun Blog Time!

Hi everybody!

I know I've been a bad blogger, but, back by popular demand... Alex's Blog!
Actually, Richard is the only one to say anything about the Blog. I've been thinking about it and thought that I had more Oblivion to play. Oh, and there was some sort of learning academy I was attending up until yesterday that kept me from Blogging. I can't quite remember what it was...Oh well, must not have been important.

Anyway, I've had a busy school year and I'm sure you all feel neglected, but don't despair, more Blogging will come.

Do you all remember the TV show "Dinosaurs"? It was a show from the '90s about puppet dinosaurs that acted like a human family. Well, if you guys had any kind of childhood like I did, then you remember them. Well, Seasons 1 and 2 of the series just came out on DVD and of course I bought them. Anyway, they're actually good. I'm looking forward to watching all the episodes.

Well, I have to go get Sheena at work, but I'll Blog again.
Remember Blog Fans, Same Bat Website, Same Bat Time.