Oh, I remember Surge...

I love my little sister! She is just the cutest little girl in the whole world! No one disagree! Anyway, this is a picture Sheena took of us after her ballet. I'm so proud of her! She's just so cute. Look at that beautiful curtsey! You just couldn't get any better.
Link on the other hand is not so cute, he's down right pathetic right now. He's limping around and hurting our feelings, even though we were the ones to get him declawed. Well, he won't be attacking Sheena with his front claws again. Little bastard brought it on himself.
The Da Vinci Code was a great movie. I really loved it and have no idea why people disliked it. It wasn't boring, it didn't feel like 2 hours and 45 minutes. Also, it was so damn interesting. I love mystery movies. And I love twists. So, my two requirments were set.
When I asked about Tom Crusie, I got three different answers. So, I'm no better off than when I didn't ask. I suppose I've actually got more questions. Why do we let actors in Hollywood bother us so much? I guess it is partly their fault for being so famous and having tons of people listen to every word and opinion they have and take it seriously. They're just actors! Let them have their opinion and say whatever they like. If you don't like it, don't agree. Last time I checked, we have free wills. Lets exercise them! It's absolutely retarded to get so bothered by what an actor says. I mean, when you think about it, actors are slaves to the consumers. They have to live a secluded and boring life to keep it out of our living rooms. They can only appear in one certain movie to keep their fans happy, in example, see Keanu Reeves. I couldn't spell his name. I had to look it up on IMDB.com. Anyway, and then they can't have an opinion to themselves without having to apolagize on TV not a week later. Oh well, at least they have their millions of dollars to comfort them. For once, I want an actor to speak out against the Sun. That would be great. I mean, how can we argue with actors? The sun's gotta go.
Do you guys remember a failed Coca-Cola product called Surge? I do. I loved the stuff. It was a Mountain Dew competetor and it was great. Well, I think they brought it back. It's called Vault and it's awesome 0nce more. Everyone should go out and buy a couple of 20 oz. bottles of it. It good because Alex says it is!
oh, I remeber Surge... yes I do. It was possibly the only thing that would put DH to sleep. I would like to state though, that the only actor(ess) whose opinion I didn't should have been stated ever is Kirsten Dunst for having said that she thought spider man should die. But that is partially a common sense thing.
Didn't they consider banning surge at irving, or was that my imagination?
i guess i haven't seen u in awhile....but ur sister is cute.....ur beard needs rethinking?!?!? and what do you think helped me with my alnighters. so with that i don't think surge is vault because surge put me to sleep, and vault helped me stay up.
Okay beard rethought and its damn sexy on him!
But I could hardly care if you think that.
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