Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lost and Nerd Mating

I've recently been introduced to the television show Lost. I was skeptical at first, I mean, how interesting can 40 something people be on an island? Answer: Too interesting for my comfort. I absolutely love the show and I could not tell you why. It's just got the right mix of mystery and absolutely amazing drama. I'm hooked. I don't recommend anyone watching it if you can't afford an hour out of your Wednesday Evening at 8:00 PM on ABC. I would never tell anyone you should pick up Season 1 for your good friend Alex. I would never say anything like that. But anyway, I digress... Lost is a good show, and deserves all of those Emmy's it won.

You all are probably wondering why part of my title is "Nerd Mating". Well, last week, Scott and I went to Burger King for lunch and brought back a lot of ketchup packets for our fires. So, when we didn't use the many ketchup packets, we formed them into an Organic Molecule, only fitting. Well, we also tried stacking them in various ways. Our record was 12 packets stacked on top of each other. Well, another guy sitting with us at lunch, by name of Bryce, decided he needed more of a challenge. He started to stack them end by end. This was very difficult and he only managed 3 packets. Fast forward to this week. I got free food from Burger King becuase they put tomatoes on my burger after I asked them not to. Anyway, I brought some ketchup packets back and the stacking commenced. Bryce managed to get 4 packets end by end and I started talking like a National Geographic reporter. I said that the Male Nerd will sometimes stack ketchup packets to attract a Female Nerd Mate. Well, a few minutes later, the tower of ketchup packets fell down. Bryce started to build it and a girl came up to ask him about his Statics homework and took notice of his ketchup stacking abilities. She said that his tower was cool. So I jumped in and added that he did have it up to 4 packets. She said that it was sexy! I shit you not. She called the ketchup stacking sexy! She left and I gloated about how right I was about Nerd Mating rituals. I just thought that was funny. Hope you guys thought so too.


Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Dude, that's awesome.

12:11 AM  

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