Friday, April 27, 2007

What the fuck!

Guys, this cult takes the cake of weirdness. Check it out here:

This is some strange shit. And I thought the Mormans were weird.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Six Word Science Fiction Strikes Back!

Trying this out for the first time... see what you think.

End has come, buckle your seatbelts!

Laser gun jammed, monster ate quickly.

Spacesuit malfunction, fat Astronaut moons Earth.

Aliens close in, my pants soil.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Calling all Supervillains...

Ok guys, you all know I've created a superhero, Rain, but I'm having difficulty creating a supervillain. I would like some ideas and I think it would be great coming from my friends. Please, I would like it to be serious, but if you can't help yourself, make it funny. I would like some thought put into it. This Rain project is really important to me and I would like nothing more than my friends to help me out.

Couple of thoughts...
I would really like the villain to be grounded in "real life": this means, he or she should have some reason to do what they are doing and their power (can be supernatural or sci-fi) must be able to antagonize Rain in some way shape or form.

Thanks guys.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Now that I have your attention... I'm in class currently. Abnormal Psychology to be exact. We're talking about suicide. I'm going to my happy place with this Blog. I don't know why, but this bothers me. It also bothers me that so many things are bothering me right now. I'm getting new glasses today because I broke mine at Edgefest. That was really awesome. All of you that didn't go this year MUST go next year. You should bring some sunscreen with you, unlike Sean and I. We didn't and are suffereing for the consequences. Well, more on that later. I guess I need to pay more attention.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Birds attack!

I'm not sure why, but the birds of the world are after me. It all started when I was a young boy. My uncle gave me some bread to break up and feed to the ducks at Sam Houston Jones Park in Louisiana. I think I actually threw the bread at the ducks instead of too them. They didn't like that so much and decided to chase me away. It scared the hell out of me. I ran back to my Uncle as fast as I could. Later in life, geese are attacking me when I try to go to work. They'll sit there and hiss at me. I didn't know geese hissed. Isn't that reserved for snakes? Maybe cats? Well, I even tried to appease them by scattering some Cheetos around the geese. They just freaked out at me and ran me off. Fucking geese. Oh, and for some reason, birds are allowed in the mall food court. I was eating dinner out there with one of my associates. I had nachos from Taco Bell. This bird just dive bombed my nachos and scattered them every which way. What the fuck? Since when do birds take on kamikaze missions? Well, Sheena thought this a neat idea for a post, so there it was.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

By the way...

I'm preempting my last blog entry. I meant no offense with celebrating Bat-Day instead of Easter. Please, no one get mad at me or hate my guts. I still like the idea of having Bat-Day as a holiday. Maybe I'll make it another day like I did All Friend's Day. Who knows. Again, no one take offense at my attempt to be cleaver and Batworshipping all at once.


Happy Day!

Today we celebrate a Man. That man was born to save us, lived His life, and then died for us. He was then resurrected later and became even better than we could possibly imagine. We must take what we learned from Him and apply it to our lives day in and day out. Be benevolent, but do not fear to shun away evil. Spread your good fortune to the rest of the World or in whatever city you happen to live. Lessons taught to us by a great teacher. Oh we say thanks that He has been brought back. We say thanks again that He is even better than before. We say thanks that He is coming again. Soon I might add. In 2008 to be exact.
The Dark Knight , the second Batman movie made by Chrstopher Nolan will be released. Yes, I speak of Batman! Our savior from crime, who died (in the movie Batman and Robin: terrible!) and was resurrected by Christopher Nolan in Batman Begins! Today, I say, instead of celebrating the resurrection of some Jewish teacher, we celebrate the real fictional hero: Batman! Who more deserves a holiday than the Caped Crusader that has been cleaning up Gotham and the rest of the World (in the Justice League) for 80 years! I for one will celebrate this day in his honor. Happy Bat-Day to all!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

In the arms of another...

Sometimes, I wonder. Am I really heterosexual? I love my wife and we've been together for a long time, but every now and then, I get to thinking... am I gay? Just hear me out, I've dated women and then married one, but the greatest mystery is men. I just need me some penis. It's not like I'm going to divorce my wife and have a "Civil Union" with Sean, I just might have to try some wild monkey butt sex. Nothing serious. I just have to see for myself which is better: sexy beautiful soft men or rigid uncaring women. I just have to know. No one can blame me for that. If it all goes well, I might just have expanded my horizons to a place my mind dare not go and my ego is afraid. This time tomorrow, I will be in the arms of another!