Saturday, June 24, 2006

Oh, by the way...

Richard's post about odd customers got me thinking. Are we ever that weird when it comes to other stores that we shop at? And do the people that are acting all weird think that they are perfectly normal or is it some sick joke against retailers? Do the Hot Topic people think that I've lost my mind when I walk in there with my work clothes on? Do the Suncoast employees groan every time I ask them when the next Batman/Superman/animated thingy comes out? I sure hope that I'm not adding to the retail industry's annoyances.

Big news!
For those of you who don't already know, I got a promotion. I am now a Store Manager at GameStop in Quail Springs Mall. I'm very happy. I was just at EB last week, then they needed a manager at my current location, and I fit the bill. I was at the EB for one week only. I got a lot accomplished there, like cleaning the refrigerator, the bathroom, and most of the store. Now that I'm my new store, I've got to do all of those things again. This store is very messy and broken. I can think of no better words for my store. The staff is alright but they need a lot of work. The store itself was a mess, but I've been there three days and cleaned more than they did in a full year. My Assistant Manager is really trying to impress me by working hard, but he gets his feelings hurt when I don't use his ideas for the store. Everything is looking up for the store except for the fact that the inventory is totally off. We are in a program called IMPACT, which is suppose to help us decrease shrink (merchandise loss) in the store. I do everything it asks in the first place, but I need to make sure my staff does the same. I'll try to keep you all up to date while things occur.

An Albertsons is going out of business in Edmond. You would think a rich grocery store and rich people would go together, but I guess everyone loves their Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

EB and the Borg

I figured it out. GameStop is like the Borg from Star Trek. When we merged with EB, we didn't completely tear out everything they did and make it our own. Instead, we mixed some stuff they did and stuff we did, and made a giant super retailer. Now that I've been set inside an EB store, I see first hand the war with the Borg/GameStop. I am the Borg. EB will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Well, sorta. I'm having to change a lot of stuff that I do just because the store I'm working in is a Mall location. It's so much more busier than I'm use to and the clientle is very different. I guess that is just how things go. I'm working almost every second of the day. It's a little tiresome. I don't really get a break, but if that's what it will take to get things on track at that store, so be it.

I finished the Venture Brothers Season 1. It was really funny. I recommend that show to anyone who has not seen it. Most of the people who read this have seen it, but watch it anyway. Season 2 will start next Sunday.

I finished Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney on the DS yesterday. It was a great game. It was really text driven and there is no replay value, but I thought it was a great mystery game. Of course any game where you can cross-examine a parrot is an awesome game in my book. Yes, that's right, I cross-examined a parrot in court. I'm now downloading a trailer for the second game. It died the last time I tried to download it earlier. I hate dial-up internet, but I cannot ignore the cheap ass price.

Sheena and I are playing Tennis on Sundays. We're not very good. I've got to take it next semester as a PE credit. Why do we need PE credits in college? Tell me that. It's taking my money for things I don't need. If they didn't make us take it, they wouldn't have to have instructors for it, and then they wouldn't need to pay them for the stupid class that no one wants to take. That really grinds my gears.

Wright that down.

Monday, June 05, 2006

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears...

  1. Pools with too many people in them.
  2. Stereotypical people- black/white/Asian/and Hispanic.
  3. Odd bank hours.
  4. Odd ice skating hours.
  5. Not having enough payroll hours to do shit.
  6. Busy Sunday workdays.
  7. Stereotypical people that fill up pools.
  8. PC games- you can never run them with your current system!
  9. Messy houses.
  10. Messy stores.
  11. Food touching on plates.
  12. Unclear signals and messages from anyone.
  13. Unreasonable customers.
  14. Accidental late payments of bills- you know, just forgot to pay it, had the money, just forgot, once in twelve years.
  15. Spam, food and junk e-mails.
  16. Slow Dial-Up internet.
  17. Being bored.
  18. New hires that aren't geniuses with the computer already.
  19. People who don't like X-Men 3- can't see any reason for it.
  20. Sunburns!
  21. Undisciplined kids.
  22. Arguments.
  23. Bad books, you can never know when it's bad until it's too late.
  24. Bad movies, you know it's bad, but don't want to walk out because you spent too much money on seeing it!
  25. Forgetting stuff in general- no matter what anyone says, we don't forget stuff on purpose to upset anyone.
  26. Clogged up ears- I'm not ignoring you, I just can't hear you!
  27. Parents who don't care what games/movies there kids play/watch- they don't have to stop them, just explain what is wierd/wrong about what they're watching/playing.
  28. Not being able to say what you really want.
  29. Falling off anything- just not enjoyable.
  30. Warm soda.
  31. Everything closing early on Sunday.
  32. Tough semesters at school.
  33. Not seeing Family and Friends enough.
  34. Loosing friends.
  35. Finding enemies.
  36. Gaining weight.
  37. Having to loose said gained weight.
  38. Bad live music.
  39. Bad live music with good studio music.
  40. People who create blogs based on dislikes when they are actually very happy and have had a good week and just need a good bitch session because they haven't had one in awhile and the blog seems the perfect place to do one.
  41. Oh, have a good week everyone.