Friday, March 16, 2007

Spring Break

So, we're out of school for a week. That's nice of them. Why the hell do they have to pile on the work before the break then? What is the point? It's not like we give them homework. Well, I guess the procrastinating professors will catch up on grading, and read the crap they are trying to feed us, but other than that, why make us suffer? In what way does it benefit them to have us doing homework/papers/tests over the break? Isn't there a reason why they call it a break? I was under the impression that when I go on breaks, I don't do what I took a break from. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a break. It would be called a school field trip to your home. What if your professors came home with you and gave you lectures during the summer or the winter break? Wouldn't you call the police on them? I would, well, maybe I would just sick my cats on them. C'mon professors, my brain needs to absorb all of the knowledge you've been pounding in my brain over the past 9 weeks. I want a break and not a field trip.


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