Monday, November 20, 2006


Yeah, I know it's more puns, but everybody loves puns. Especially about the Wii! This weekend proved to be one of the most stressful in my life. Starting on Friday...

PS3. It's here, it's buggy, and I'm tired of talking about it. There are a million and a half reasons why someone should not buy a PS3, but no one with $600 wants to listen. They only see bigger and better. Now, I really think I'd have a better time with it if it didn't cost that much. I think all of the problems stemed from that price point. Most people were excited about it before E3 2006 and then afterward, there was an avalanche of bad news after bad news. Penny-Arcade does a wonderful job showing the gap that Microsoft has over Sony. If you read there post and the links they give in that particular post, you'd know that most of my fears have become realized. Oh, by the way, the post was the Maximum Moisture one from the other day. I'd link it, but I don't know how. Anyway, Sony doesn't give you much bang for your buck is the take away message. Oh, and I have to say, Resistance: Fall of Man is a great game. I played a little more the other day and was still blown away by its ingenuity. Never before have I been able to make a shield with a gun and then use another one to shoot through it. Great first-person experience. I just wish it had come out to a system that is more available. That way more people can play it.

Wii. Now for something a little more fun. It's a blast. I will be bringing it down with me on Wednesday/Thursday, so all of you will be able to experience it. Only problem, I only have one control. Yeah, Sony is not the only company having backorder launch problems. While Nintendo is able to manufacture the systems, they're having a little trouble getting the accessories out. Not a big deal, but I would like to play multiplayer on Wii Sports and Red Steel. This leads into a not so happy talk about Red Steel. A month or so ago I got to play it. I play it from the beginning and realize that they did not remove the bugs from the game that I noticed before. This upsets me for a lot of the reasons the PS3 upsets me. The Wii is such an innovative device. It takes developers a little more time to create games for it since nothing has ever been like it. What happened in Red Steel is that Ubisoft spent so much time trying to create a "Wii Game" that they forgot to make a "Good Game". This almost parallels Sony's experiences. Most of there games can't possibly take advantage of the Deceptacon Cell Processor, so it renders them a little "washed out". I said I wasn't going to talk about the PS3, but I did, so sue me. Anyway, the Wii is still a great console. This is mostly because it boggles my mind almost every time I turn it on. While not as breathtaking graphically as the Xbox 360 or the PS3, it's got some juice under it. I keep typing PS# and not PS3. It's easier because I'm holding down the shift key to type the PS. I should just call it the PS#. It makes it look dirty. Ok, more Wiiactions. Wii Sports is the bundled game with the system. It's basically Wii for Dummies. If you can't pull off Wii Sports, there is no hope for you. It's easy and fun. And when we're playing Tennis on Wednesday, you'll see why. You can hardly stop from jumping up and down. It's just pure fun. Oh, and by the way, there is a little game called Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the system. This helps things out a lot. It does worry me a little too though. Nintendo spent a lot of time on this game and it shows. Can other developers do the same? Do they have the time and the resources? I sure hope so, or Nintendo will be looking down the barrel of no third-party companies once again. My Nintendo Representative still says that people are knocking down Nintendo's door for a development kit, so we'll see what happens.

In other news.... wait there is no other news! The fucking Wii is out and so is Zelda!

Can I get a Wii?


Blogger FlutinKat said...

Wait, Twilight Princess comes with it?

2:48 PM  
Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...


7:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


5:57 PM  
Blogger FlutinKat said...

Okay, dumb comment. I don't suppose I could reserve one through you? My mom thinks getting to the store 15 minutes early when they get the new batch is ACTUALLY GOING TO GET US A WII WHEN THERE ARE PEOPLE THERE THAT HAVE BEEN STANDING IN LINE SINCE 7 AM THE DAY BEFORE. Anyway, is there a possibility that we can reserve one through you? I'd really like to get a Wii before March.

If you can't, no sweat, but it would be awesome if you could. I'm so psyched about playing the new Zelda; I played Ocarina of Time for 6 hours or so yesterday.

12:19 PM  

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