Monday, November 13, 2006


This really sucks. I just found out that I did horrible on my second Genetics Exam. I now have a D in the class! I've never had a D in a class. This is really bad. Oh, and since I was sick last week with the flu, I did not have a chance to take my Organic Chemistry 2 Exam. This dropped my grade to an F! That stands for YOUR FUCKED! It's nice that Dr. New will allow me to use the final exam as my lowest exam score. I just need to do well on the final exam. It's an ACS, American Chemical Society, exam, so it is standardized, but that doesn't help too much. I am officially freaking out! Two aweful grades thus far. I might as well kiss my scholarship goodbye. I'll just have to pay for school out of pocket. Not too horrible, but not the greatest either. I seriously hope that I can bring my Genetics grade up to a C. That's the best I can hope for. I've got two more tests in there and plenty of homework to offset some of the issues, but we'll see if it is enough.

Oh, and on a happier note, the Wii is coming out Sunday and the PS3 is coming out Friday. Should be an interesting week. We'll be getting a lot of hours to work the week after, with it being the day after Thanksgiving and all. So so busy. So so busy.


Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

That's Wiidiculous. There's no way they'd let you make up that one? I mean, you were sick with the flu after all. I'm sure the Wii will be wiimarkable though.


6:59 PM  

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