Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Conference Review Part 1

I know most of you are curious about how well my first conference went. Well, I don't know how many of you are actually interested, but I'm going to talk a little bit about what really impressed me there and then I'm going to talk about some random crap. Yay!

The Games:
Conference was really about our vendors telling us the new and exciting things that were coming out and why we should love them. On the occasion, we got to play these wonderful works of art, but most of the time, it was just full of videos that most of us have already seen.

The Good:
1. Gears of War: I know most of you that own a 360 are interested in this one. Even if you don't own a 360, this should be at the top of your list if you decide on buying one. It follows a band of military men in a science fiction world that are being attacked by enemies from underground. It's a complex mixture of sci-fi story telling, third-person shooting, and survival-horror thrills. Put all of this together with unbelievable graphics and simple-fun gameplay, you have Xbox 360's killer app. Oh, by the way, did I mention that the melee weapon for the machine gun is an attached chainsaw? Well, it is, do I need to say more? This game will be an excellent addition to any 360 library and a much needed anticipation factor for those who do not own a 360. Rating: A+

2. Rainbow Six: Vegas: I haven't played a Rainbow Six title since Rogue sphere on the PC. I enjoyed it but I never got into the multiplayer addiction which was Rainbow Six 3. This fall, Ubisoft is releasing this title, and from my gameplay experience, they've got a winner. Imagine repelling down a huge Vegas casino, turning upside down on the line and "tagging" the enemies, terrorists, with some sort of infared beam. Then, climb up the line, go to the other side of the building, repel down this side, get the terrorists' attention by shooting out the glass, while you call in your support team and have them crash into the previous window which you were just at and take out the enemies. Sounds cool? Well it is. A gorgeous looking first person shooter with unique squad based controls. Oh, flashbangs, when they go off, actually imprint the last image you see on the screen for a few moments. This is really cool for multiplayer functions. Rating: A

3. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: I don't have much to say about this one. I loved it because it was a Zelda game and I got to play it before Sheena, but there isn't more news that we already have. I'll talk more about the Wii in a few paragraphs, but this game is awesome for all the right reasons. Looks good, plays fun, lots of stuff to do, and it Zelda baby! Rating: A (I'll mention why no A+ in a little bit.)

4. Super Mario Galaxy: Another one of those Wii titles that bears a need to talk Wii before the preview. I can say one thing, this title will bring back the traditional platforming of Mario in all new ways. Did you like Super Mario 64? Hell yeah you did! Would you like Mario 64 in space? Can't imagine that one, but the Mario factory has done it again. Rating A+

5. God of War II: What can I say? More of the same from God of War. That's all there is to it, right? Wrong! Kratos comes back with all the hatred of a family slayer and a fallen god to kill every demon, monster, and god that gets in his way. Are you ready for anger management part 2? Well, strap on those blades and prepare for war. I got to rip out a cyclops's eye and ram it into his mouth. I bet Odysseus never thought of that. Rating A+

1. Justice League Heroes: You all thought that I would go head over heels in love for this one, but I didn't. I played it on the Xbox and liked it well enough, but I can see where it would get boring. Playing as Superman and Batman was really fun. Superman could fly around with cars and smash badies all day long. Batman just kinda sat there and they batarangs. I'm not too happy with how unimpressive Batman looked, but maybe it'll be better in the final game. I don't know. I really want to play as Green Lantern though, that might be kinda fun. Rating B-

2. Ressistance: Fall of Man: This is the only console envy I have. It's a first person shooter on the PS3. It looked good and it had a lot of cool weapons. The fact that it is a PS3 title is it's only downside. It's made by the developer of the Ratchet and Clank series. These guys know how to make a game. I'm interested in how it will turn out, but what I saw was cool. Not $600 cool though. Rating B

That's all for now. I've got to get to class. I'll probably post later this evening.


Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Gears of War sounds pretty cool...I'm interested to hear your take on the Wheee though.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Alustriel said...

Yes before me (cries)

7:50 PM  

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