Sunday, March 18, 2007

An Apple a Day...

Sheena is eating an apple. We're in Branson, MO. I only put the "MO" there because I can't spell "MO" out. I would say that's sad, but states don't count in the spelling world. They're too difficult.

So, if anyone can guess, Sheena and David got into it while we were over here. It all started yesterday... David had gone to get picnic supplies since we would be out in the woods most of the day. Last year, he had done this and people complained about the quality of the food. This year, he was reluctant, but he still did it. When we were dishing out the hotdogs, I asked him if any of them were all beef hot dogs. He said "No" and that was it. I asked Sheena if she would still eat one, she said "No", then later took up the offer. We cooked hotdogs and had no problems. That was until my dad said, "I don't want to do the shopping next year, Sheena has already complained about the food this year." To which Sheena replied, "I didn't say that", in a gruff tone. David remanded his statement, "Well, I'm serious, I don't want to do the shopping next year, Alex already said that Sheena won't eat the hotdogs unless they are all beef." Sheena then dropped the bomb, "You're a jackass!" she yelled and walked away. I know every one of us have wanted to call David that, but she actually said it. She went off, very upset. David didn't say anything to me and the rest of the family didn't make a big deal of it. I was pretty happy about that, but Sheena never wants to see David again. You all can see how difficult that will be. Later on, David apologized to his brothers, my uncles, that he didn't get any "all beef" hotdogs. My uncle Mike told him that he sould let it go, it was a sensitive subject.

Well, that's what happened, to the best of my knowledge. I'm trying to remain as unbiased as I can. So, I kind of want to hear your oppinion on the matter. I'm upset and uncomfortable now, as well as Sheena. I wish none of that had happened. I wish David had not kept up with the statements. And I wish Sheena had not taken them as offensive. But I can't undo the damage. Just remember, an apple a day is better for you than a cup of coffee!


Blogger Elizabeth said...

yes, but coffee is also good - if you get the right stuff. Just think... in a few days you'll be at the concert. : D cheer up!

3:48 PM  

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