Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sunday Shifts

I don't like working on Sundays. In fact it has become one of the things I hate most. Not that I hate working at all, but the Sunday shift is not fun. It use to be when I was at the Midwest City store. We would just go to El Chico and grab some queso and munch on that all day long. But at the NW Expressway store, we don't have an El Chico around. That makes it harder to procure queso, so I don't. Anyway, it is a normal shift, 8 hours long, and it's not always busy, but it still feels like it drags ass. I find myself waiting for 5 o'clock when I can start doing my manager stuff. After my Saturday afternoon shift, I always dread the next day, thinking of the Sunday shift, but in reality, the shift is not so bad. What else would I be doing on Sunday? I don't go to church, the shift ends in time for me to be home for the Simpsons and Family Guy, so why does this day and shift bother me? I'll give one million blogger bucks to the first person that can tell me that and why peanut butter and cream cheeze don't go together. Yuck!

I had some crazy dreams about ghosts last night. It's not too clear right now, so I'll develope it over the couse of today and report on it tonight. For now it is off to work for me.


Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

But Alex, they DO go together!

3:48 AM  

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