Thursday, November 30, 2006

Neurosis Pays off

I've always been scared of the weather and what it can do. Any time I hear about it raining or snowing, I'm looking for the worst to come. Well, this morning, it did. It's about 7:12 AM right now and the weather is awful! There is about an inch of ice on my window and the walkway down below. It feels like 9 degrees outside with a windchill of negative absolute zero! For those science folks in the audience, you'll know that absolute zero cannot be reached. Anyway, it's really fucking cold! I bet Shawn is having a great day looking at all the bizzare weather patterns. Wasn't it almost 70 degrees on Tuesday? I was wearing short sleeve shirts on Tuesday and today I wouldn't step outside without a parka on! Oh well, at least school is closed and I'm off work today. Not that my work would be any more open than my school. I'm currently awaiting a message from my DM about the current situation. I've sent him some info about the weather channel that says we're boned until 4:15 this afternoon. I hope he gets it and recieves it well. He's not answering his cell phone, so that's not good. He lives in the boonies, so I don't even know if his power went out or not last night. Did that happen to anyone? Man it would suck not to have heating in your house tonight. Down right miserable I'm sure. As I said, I got paranoid about the weather when I first heard about it, and look what happened. I wonder how many people are actually going to try to get out today. I'm sure the movie theaters and movie rental places are going to be busy. They always are on days like this. Everyone thinks it okay to make them go to work, but screw them going to work! No way we're going to risk a 15-30 minute drive to work, but we'll rent a movie from a Blockbuster 5 minutes away! And those people that have to come in to work at Blockbuster, I bet they want to kill everyone that doesn't get in an accident on the way to there store. I remember once that it snowed and the roads were bad, but I still had to come into work at GameStop on NW Expressway. It was miserable. I about died a couple of times on my way. Every time a customer came in, I almost locked the doors. I even saw a couple cars slide trying to park in the parking lot! Can you believe people? There priorities are totally screwed up. Just like the guy who got shot for his BS3 game system. Oh did, I call a PS3 the BS3? Maybe I did? Just for fun facts, what if I told you all that my demo unit came in on Tuesday night and the unit was broken on Wednesday morning? Don't believe it, well it's true. My PS3 is bricked officially. It's a hunk of crap sitting in my store. I find that real funny.

It just keeps coming down out there. I don't know how anyone plans to go anywhere today. It would be ill advised. Well, I'm going back to bed and maybe something will be known in an hour or so.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Yeah, I know it's more puns, but everybody loves puns. Especially about the Wii! This weekend proved to be one of the most stressful in my life. Starting on Friday...

PS3. It's here, it's buggy, and I'm tired of talking about it. There are a million and a half reasons why someone should not buy a PS3, but no one with $600 wants to listen. They only see bigger and better. Now, I really think I'd have a better time with it if it didn't cost that much. I think all of the problems stemed from that price point. Most people were excited about it before E3 2006 and then afterward, there was an avalanche of bad news after bad news. Penny-Arcade does a wonderful job showing the gap that Microsoft has over Sony. If you read there post and the links they give in that particular post, you'd know that most of my fears have become realized. Oh, by the way, the post was the Maximum Moisture one from the other day. I'd link it, but I don't know how. Anyway, Sony doesn't give you much bang for your buck is the take away message. Oh, and I have to say, Resistance: Fall of Man is a great game. I played a little more the other day and was still blown away by its ingenuity. Never before have I been able to make a shield with a gun and then use another one to shoot through it. Great first-person experience. I just wish it had come out to a system that is more available. That way more people can play it.

Wii. Now for something a little more fun. It's a blast. I will be bringing it down with me on Wednesday/Thursday, so all of you will be able to experience it. Only problem, I only have one control. Yeah, Sony is not the only company having backorder launch problems. While Nintendo is able to manufacture the systems, they're having a little trouble getting the accessories out. Not a big deal, but I would like to play multiplayer on Wii Sports and Red Steel. This leads into a not so happy talk about Red Steel. A month or so ago I got to play it. I play it from the beginning and realize that they did not remove the bugs from the game that I noticed before. This upsets me for a lot of the reasons the PS3 upsets me. The Wii is such an innovative device. It takes developers a little more time to create games for it since nothing has ever been like it. What happened in Red Steel is that Ubisoft spent so much time trying to create a "Wii Game" that they forgot to make a "Good Game". This almost parallels Sony's experiences. Most of there games can't possibly take advantage of the Deceptacon Cell Processor, so it renders them a little "washed out". I said I wasn't going to talk about the PS3, but I did, so sue me. Anyway, the Wii is still a great console. This is mostly because it boggles my mind almost every time I turn it on. While not as breathtaking graphically as the Xbox 360 or the PS3, it's got some juice under it. I keep typing PS# and not PS3. It's easier because I'm holding down the shift key to type the PS. I should just call it the PS#. It makes it look dirty. Ok, more Wiiactions. Wii Sports is the bundled game with the system. It's basically Wii for Dummies. If you can't pull off Wii Sports, there is no hope for you. It's easy and fun. And when we're playing Tennis on Wednesday, you'll see why. You can hardly stop from jumping up and down. It's just pure fun. Oh, and by the way, there is a little game called Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the system. This helps things out a lot. It does worry me a little too though. Nintendo spent a lot of time on this game and it shows. Can other developers do the same? Do they have the time and the resources? I sure hope so, or Nintendo will be looking down the barrel of no third-party companies once again. My Nintendo Representative still says that people are knocking down Nintendo's door for a development kit, so we'll see what happens.

In other news.... wait there is no other news! The fucking Wii is out and so is Zelda!

Can I get a Wii?

Monday, November 13, 2006


This really sucks. I just found out that I did horrible on my second Genetics Exam. I now have a D in the class! I've never had a D in a class. This is really bad. Oh, and since I was sick last week with the flu, I did not have a chance to take my Organic Chemistry 2 Exam. This dropped my grade to an F! That stands for YOUR FUCKED! It's nice that Dr. New will allow me to use the final exam as my lowest exam score. I just need to do well on the final exam. It's an ACS, American Chemical Society, exam, so it is standardized, but that doesn't help too much. I am officially freaking out! Two aweful grades thus far. I might as well kiss my scholarship goodbye. I'll just have to pay for school out of pocket. Not too horrible, but not the greatest either. I seriously hope that I can bring my Genetics grade up to a C. That's the best I can hope for. I've got two more tests in there and plenty of homework to offset some of the issues, but we'll see if it is enough.

Oh, and on a happier note, the Wii is coming out Sunday and the PS3 is coming out Friday. Should be an interesting week. We'll be getting a lot of hours to work the week after, with it being the day after Thanksgiving and all. So so busy. So so busy.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Laptop and Update

Hello all. It's been awhile hasn't it? I haven't really talked about myself in awhile on this thing. I'm inspired by a young lady sitting next to me who is currently typing out a blog as we speak. So, on with the show.

I already know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway: Who thinks that I should buy a laptop computer? Don't everyone raise your hand at once. I know almost all of you subscribe to portable computers, but I kind of want reasons why I should do so as well. I know it is handy to have a laptop at your beck and call, but I already have a decent PC. Why should I buy another one and bring it with me everywhere I go? This recent thought is brought to you by me running out of lead today in one of my classes. I don't know anyone in the class, so it's kind of hard to ask for lead from someone else. I just sat there for 20 minutes and pretended to type the notes that I was missing. Maybe doing so will keep them fresher in my memory, but I seriously doubt it. Anyway, if I had had a laptop at that moment, I would have been alright and not missed any notes. That's pretty much the only use I see for it right now. Taking notes and putting a large music selection on it. That would keep me from buying a Microsoft Zune. So, any other suggestions? What brand should I look at? What size hard drive and RAM speed do I need? These are the questions I seek answers to. Help me someone. I'm sure Sheena will have a good idea for it. I'm going to be down in Norman on Saturday night for the OU game, so that would be a good time to pawn propoganda off on me. I'm easily suseptible to suggestions from friends.

On to me. I saw Pick of Destiny yesterday. It was a really advanced showing, like by 2 weeks. It was pretty funny. A rock-musical of sorts. I've never been a huge Tenacious D fan, but after listing to the soundtrack, I think I'll be checking into them more often. Oh, and Casino Royale is coming out next week. That's going to be cool. The British people are saying that the new Bond is awesome, almost as good as Sean Connery. I don't think he's quite as sexy.

Wii is coming soon! November 19th! I can't wait. I don't even know how I'm going to pass this semester with so many awesome things coming out.
What I'm playing now:
Gears of War- 360
F.E.A.R- 360
Okami- PS2
Yoshi's Island DS: Guess which system it's on, just guess. You'll never get it.

What I'll be playing soon:
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess- Wii
Red Steel- Wii
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin- DS
Full Metal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy- DS
Rainbow Six: Vegas- 360

Even farther out:
Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions- 360
Half-Life 2- 360, yes, I'm buying it again. It comes with Portals, if you haven't seen that trailer, do so.
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass- DS
Guitar Hero 2- 360, with wireless guitar baby!
God of War 2- PS2

So, as you see, my life is over. I might as well quit now to save myself all the pain and anguish of failing school and life. Nah, it's going to be a blast. I don't have that big of semsester next year. I'm taking some cool classes though.

Schedule for Spring 2007:

Administration Of Justice- Criminal Justice
Apocalypse/Armageddon- Humanities
Criminal Law And Procedure- Political Science
Abnormal Psychology- Psychology

Hooray for upper division electives. I really wish they had some in my degree, but these will do. I am especially interested in the Apocalypse/Armageddon class. It's a perfect flow, I'll learn about the Criminal mind, (Abnormal), find out how to take them down correctly, (Administration and Criminal Law), then find out how the ones I don't take down will destroy the world (Apocalypse).

That catch everyone up? Oh yeah, Link is starting to get fat. We think it's because we put a second food bowl down. Maybe Gracie was actually eating all of it. For all we know, Link's been starving for a few years now. Poor cat. I say that like he's never tried to hurt any one of us.

Laptop and Update