Today we celebrate a Man. That man was born to save us, lived His life, and then died for us. He was then resurrected later and became even better than we could possibly imagine. We must take what we learned from Him and apply it to our lives day in and day out. Be benevolent, but do not fear to shun away evil. Spread your good fortune to the rest of the World or in whatever city you happen to live. Lessons taught to us by a great teacher. Oh we say thanks that He has been brought back. We say thanks again that He is even better than before. We say thanks that He is coming again. Soon I might add. In 2008 to be exact.
The Dark Knight , the second Batman movie made by Chrstopher Nolan will be released. Yes, I speak of Batman! Our savior from crime, who died (in the movie
Batman and Robin: terrible!) and was resurrected by Christopher Nolan in
Batman Begins! Today, I say, instead of celebrating the resurrection of some Jewish teacher, we celebrate the real fictional hero: Batman! Who more deserves a holiday than the Caped Crusader that has been cleaning up Gotham and the rest of the World (in the Justice League) for 80 years! I for one will celebrate this day in his honor. Happy Bat-Day to all!