Organic Chemistry gives me nightmares
I am about to go to sleep. I hope I don't have nightmares when I do. Since Monday, like many of you, I've been attending college. I've already found that I'm tired and I know that I have absolutely no time to do anything but eat, sleep, work, and college stuff. I can't even squeeze in some breathing! For those of you who wonder how I stay alive, I'm mearly taking oxygen from all the plant matter I digest and the nitrogen and hydrogen I need I get through a IV tube to my lungs. You might say that this is more complex than breathing, but I say that I have no time to breathe!
Imagine taking a class over just one thing. Just one thing, that's it. You get to learn about this one thing for 16 weeks. Everything about this one thing. In organic chemistry, we focus on Carbon. We're going to get very acquainted with Carbon, and for some reason, this is the most difficult class I've ever taken. It's just insane. The work load is crazy, which takes most of my time, the concepts are new and foreign, even for me, a man who has taken chemistry for the last 5 years of my life. This is too much, but I'll make it, I think. Maybe the aliens would like to help me out, they obviously know a little more than I do, why not just beam the information into my brain and let me understand it. Of course not, that would be easy.
Anyway, I'm enjoying school and everything else. Work has gotten a little dull, maybe it's the fact that I didn't get promoted and we're loosing another Third Key (Manager) at my store. I don't care about how the store is anymore, I just want to graduate college and start solving crimes or researching something.
Well, I'm going to have a lot of work to do the rest of this semester, so I doubt that I'll have time to write in this blog anymore. If anyone is still reading this, thank you, I hope you've enjoyed it. I might try to write some dreams, but no promises.
Imagine taking a class over just one thing. Just one thing, that's it. You get to learn about this one thing for 16 weeks. Everything about this one thing. In organic chemistry, we focus on Carbon. We're going to get very acquainted with Carbon, and for some reason, this is the most difficult class I've ever taken. It's just insane. The work load is crazy, which takes most of my time, the concepts are new and foreign, even for me, a man who has taken chemistry for the last 5 years of my life. This is too much, but I'll make it, I think. Maybe the aliens would like to help me out, they obviously know a little more than I do, why not just beam the information into my brain and let me understand it. Of course not, that would be easy.
Anyway, I'm enjoying school and everything else. Work has gotten a little dull, maybe it's the fact that I didn't get promoted and we're loosing another Third Key (Manager) at my store. I don't care about how the store is anymore, I just want to graduate college and start solving crimes or researching something.
Well, I'm going to have a lot of work to do the rest of this semester, so I doubt that I'll have time to write in this blog anymore. If anyone is still reading this, thank you, I hope you've enjoyed it. I might try to write some dreams, but no promises.